I don't know if the position of the ghost car is based on minisectors with some "default lap" behaviour or on real time GPS data. Other years, the gaps were minisector based, so one single real timing datapoint every 3-5 seconds.
In any case, the position of Hamilton's car, laterally, does not correspond to Hamilton's pole lap. At the beginning of the lap, Hamilton appears to first go all the way left, and then start slowly drifting right in the straight, slowly and well before turn-in. In the real lap, his left tire is on the white line, as it should be, until he fully trhows the car to the right.
This can most clearly be seen as he crosses the final while line before turn 1. In reality, he crosses it with wheels on the track´s edge. In the ghost car, at the 7 second mark, it is Verstappen who has wheels on the white line at the track´s edge, perhaps even touching the kerb, while the Ferrari´s nose is to the right of the Red Bull's right wheels.
Too gimmicky. Ugh!

Also exiting the final corner, the ghost car goes way more to the right than the real Ferrari does.