Under the 2011 regs, the teams haven't found a way (that's been publically outed) to feed airflow from under the car to a second-deck diffuser, and the regulated 125mm floor height seems to be governing the diffuser volume. The regulation that closed their upper-deck feeds is 3.12.9:
If Cosworth is correct, what will the 'extreme form' of diffuser look like? Will we see a return of the second deck, with exhaust momentum helping to coax the flow into some kind of (regulations-skirting) inlet we haven't seen yet? Or is there something else that will make the upcomming interpretations 'extreme?' Or is Cosworth blowing smoke in an attempt to speed the proposed rules change regarding off-throttle mapping?In an area lying 450mm or less from the car centre line, and from 450mm forward of the rear face of the cockpit entry template to 350mm rearward of the rear wheel centre line, any intersection of any bodywork visible from beneath the car with a lateral or longitudinal vertical plane should form one continuous line
which is visible from beneath the car.