Nissan is scheming to make its eco-friendly Leaf car into a substitute energy source for houses in times of emergency. The Japanese auto manufacturer is developing the technology as it simultaneously tries to gear back up to full manufacturing after the country was ruined by severe disasters in March.
Vehicle runs only on electricity
The Leaf started to sell last year. It was in December that it happened. Battery power is the only thing utilized to make the vehicle run making it fully electric. Most automobiles labeled as eco-friendly, like the Chevrolet Volt, are hybrids. A gas-powered generator is used to back up batteries. A high-performance, 24kwh lithium-ion battery could be found in the Leaf. If you would like one, you'll have to pay about $37,000 or 2.98 yen.
A Leaf rather than a generator
Carlos Ghosn is the Nissan Motors president that claims Leaf EVs (Electronic Vehicles) will have new engineering put in them. They'll be able to put energy into private houses. Showrooms with new automobiles should take place fairly soon. The company hopes to have these out in the near future.
Japan's tsunami and earthquake destruction got many interested in the car. Individuals want something like this for emergencies. The zero-emissions vehicles head in Nissan Motors is Hideaki Watanabe. He said, "Some individuals are saying that rather than installing a generator, they would just buy a Leaf." Household storage batteries with capacity comparable to that of the Leaf currently sell for about 2 million yen, about $25,000 United States, in Japan.
The average home can run for 24 hours in the U.S. with 24 kilowatt hours, which the Leaf can supposedly store. In times of crisis -- power outages for example -- the automobile could be used to charge the next day's power overnight.
Not able to get charge units here
Without additional hardware, Nissan hopes to industry home-powering automobiles. Nissan's quick-charge unit can, in just 30 minutes, restore 80 percent of power which Watanabe thinks can be a way to connect it to the home. Charging the car could take 20 hours for a normal outlet. It costs about $15,000 to purchase the quick charger which is only accessible in Japan currently. Hopefully, that cost could be dropped to $10,000, Watanabe states.
Plant opening pushed back
About 7,600 Leafs have been sold to date, and about 2,000 of those went to United States automobile owners. The plan to open a manufacturing plant in Smyrna, Tenn., was postponed with the Japan disasters that also slowed manufacturing. It can be late next year before the opening takes place. "Because of the earthquake, it's putting us in a difficult situation," states Watanabe. "But we're not giving up yet," he explained.>
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