Would "ram air" under the diffuser like this give any advantage whatsoever?
Poorly drawn idea...
if you want to blow something, indeedjordangp wrote:I would of thought internal drag aswell as the velocity of the airflow in the pipe slowing down, would reduce any possible benefit, perhaps hinder from the drag.
Or maybe even into the sidepods, reducing the size of the sidepod inlets (very slightly)stringy wrote:I suspect it would be more likely to come outa lot further forwards and feed the air under the sidepods...
None. If anything, it would hamper the car. There's not enough air flow over the top of the nose to cleanly force ducted air to the back of the car, much less force air to the back of the car through those bends. All it would do is increase drag, but, for exactly the same reason, probably not by too much.ced381 wrote:Would "ram air" under the diffuser like this give any advantage whatsoever?