F1 Toe measurement

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F1 Toe measurement


Looking at some F1 pics I came across the picture below of Ferrari technicians with parallel strings installed on their car to measure toe (at least that's what I think!). I would've thought they would have some sort of high tech laser system for this so it surprised me to see that they would use the old parallel string method. Does anybody know if this is really the way they do it or if they have other systems?


Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
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Re: F1 Toe measurement


Can't speak specifically to Ferrari or this photo... but, why spend more time and money on something where a fast and simple solution is just as good? How many decimal places do you need your toe setting to?
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Re: F1 Toe measurement


ot, but that cardboard cutout of Massa in the background is creeepy.

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Re: F1 Toe measurement


That looks to me like a line for setting the ride height - it lines up with the front and back axles.

Joined: 06 Aug 2009, 21:09

Re: F1 Toe measurement


I thought most alignment values were set by inserting controlled thicknesses of shims, not as much by turning a turnbuckle until you get some specific value.

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Re: F1 Toe measurement


richard_leeds wrote:That looks to me like a line for setting the ride height - it lines up with the front and back axles.
The string looks a bit like a laser to me, though I'm a bit color blind at the red frequency. Toe or ride height would be relative to a line through the axles. But what are they measuring to for ride height and why wouldn't they just measure at the axles?

Here’s my new take. The bar with the string/laser is the body sprung reference and the axle is, with offset, the road reference. The bar is bolted on and the ride height is adjusted until the line/laser is at the axle centers. What we’re seeing is the end of the process. This was _leeds point that assumed too much of me.
Last edited by olefud on 24 Aug 2012, 19:31, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 03 Apr 2011, 19:42

Re: F1 Toe measurement


olefud wrote:The string looks a bit like a laser to me, though I'm a bit color blind at the red frequency.
I wondered about the value of a laser system until I viewed the above photo. A laser system would be easier on all the mechanics working inside the car's alignment perimeter on non-alignment activities.


gato azul
gato azul
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Re: F1 Toe measurement


it's unlikely that you you will have many other activities on the car going on, when you want to make your alignment - no?

I understand what you want to say, but why nor just take the string off, until you are ready to make your toe alignment, if you feel it is in the way.

I think JT has said it well, their is beauty in simplicity, and the fact that the parallel string is still used from grassroots racing to top pro racing, just shows, that it works and does the job, just as a wheel is still round, even after all this years.

There are other systems available, and in use, but parallel string in one form or the other (replacing the string with a laser beam or a bar) is probably still the most commonly used one around the pits & paddocks even in F1.

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Re: F1 Toe measurement


gato azul wrote:it's unlikely that you you will have many other activities on the car going on, when you want to make your alignment - no?.... why nor just take the string off...
Why would other mechanic activities in the condition presented in the photo preclude alignment activities?

There are three mechanics inside the perimeter and none seem to be doing alignment. It would be foolish to have an actual string entrapping them. A string is fine for grassroots racing, but not a team/car that has more mechanics available that actual space for them to work in around the car.


gato azul
gato azul
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Re: F1 Toe measurement


hardingfv32 wrote: Why would other mechanic activities in the condition presented in the photo preclude alignment activities?

There are three mechanics inside the perimeter and none seem to be doing alignment. It would be foolish to have an actual string entrapping them. A string is fine for grassroots racing, but not a team/car that has more mechanics available that actual space for them to work in around the car.

When do you do normally your alignment? - while the other guys are busy changing the gearbox or some other substantial things? Or when all is done and the car is in the final condition as it would go out on tack?

It is maybe foolish, but this does not make it impossible, does it?
Does the string hinders any of the mechanics in the photo? Just need to pay a bit attention when you move out, whats the big deal?
Last edited by gato azul on 25 Aug 2012, 01:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: F1 Toe measurement


Many many series use the string method for basic toe adjustment. quick and easy.
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Sir Stirling Moss

gato azul
gato azul
Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 14:39

Re: F1 Toe measurement


Here you can easier see, that it is just a string


@ Richard
different people/teams do things in different ways, but Ride Height is commonly measured from the top, via the cross beams above the axles.
Here, you can see a mechanic taking a measurement between the cross beam and the setup wheel.


Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: F1 Toe measurement


I had a laser setup :

Iused the good old Dunlop tool

But,honestly speaking ..the string was cost effective and accurate ,when you fuzzed around with calibrating the lasers ,had a hard time seing them in bright sunlight and ..it just was awkward to look at ..i always got a blurred sight when concentrated on the task and staring into the laser line...

Strings are fine perfect for the task .

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Location: Boulder, Colorado USA

Re: F1 Toe measurement


Looks like a He Ne laser with a knot at the end.

Joined: 25 Jul 2012, 22:04

Re: F1 Toe measurement


olefud wrote:Looks like a He Ne laser with a knot at the end.
If you mean the system from marcush. his post, then I'm pretty sure those are laser diodes. HeNe are way bigger, at least the ones that I worked with. The "special" thing about the alignment system's is their mounting on a runner-rail system.

Their (blinking) statement "These are NOT your TYPICAL "home store, handy man lasers! You DO NOT want to use conventional lasers to align your vehicle!" is extremely preposterous and I can't comprehend why they would write such crap on their website.
Last edited by superdread on 25 Aug 2012, 00:19, edited 1 time in total.