Mod edit - There were three 2012 threads on the subject of textured surfaces influencing aero so I've merged them here.
Does anyone have any ideas or theory on the effect stone damaging has to the aerodynamic performance of the aero parts?
I've been noticing quie a bit of damage lately to certain areas of the cars following races. I think that as well as being caused by stones from gravel traps following the drivers detours when missing the odd apex, is also caused by the large amount of 'pick-up' and rubber which seems to shed off the tyres.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of articles/papers/information about this on the net and wondered what peoples opinions were.
I know one theory, which is a little questionable, is that it actually improves the 'sliperyness' (don't know if that is actually a word!) of the aero parts - such as a golf ball effect or some of the latest swim suits which are being develoed to imitate shark skin.
I would have thought that it would create quite a lot of turbulence and swirling? Therefore breaking up the boundary layer creating a premature transition point thus feeding 'dirty' turbulent air into the rest of the car.
Intersted to hear what people think!