Well, one way to compute the solution is actually really easy.
You need to know what you're facing.That's a linear equation system with 3 variables. Each equation represents a plane.
Now we need to know what kind of solutions you could be facing. You could have a single (x,y,z) value, all planes meet at only one point. You could also have a line, 3 planes intersecting at a line. Like x=2y+3, or y=3z. Your answer could be a whole plane (for example x+y+z=1) or there could be no valid answers at all. This could happen if all planes where parallel. Or the 3 planes would form a triangle as seen from "above", they meet in pairs, but the three never meet.
I'm just guessing you're in the case you have a single answer, a point, (x,y,z).
You can solve it by simply solving for x in one equation, putting that in equation 2, solving for y, putting that in equation x and solving for z. You could add, divide, multiply, substract member to member the equations. Gaussian elimination, as told, which is equivalent to the last form, but in an algorithmic way. You can use Cramers rule, Cholesky, LU, etc. This last ones seem too complicated for your case.
So, all this bla bla. If you want to do this systematically, or with a computer(MatLAB, Octave, etc) I'd just put it in matrix form and solve. That would require det(A) different from zero, which would be your case if my guess was right.
This is your system:
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+% ... %7BA%7D%7D
Which you solve by multiplying by the inverse of a1,b1,c1.. on the left side. Which exists if the det(a1,b1,c1..) is not zero. And you're left with the following
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%7 ... %7BA%7D%7D
Wolfram even solved it for you. Hope that clears out your problem.. or maybe it generated more. Just let me know.
If y=0, then you only have a two unknown system, with 3 equations. It is overdetermined.
From equation 3:
which yields x=A/a3 which you can plug into equation 1 and 2, and check if you get the result. But by no means it's (0,0,0) if you defined y=0 and c3=0.