So here are the results. (I will not post the Lift and Drag figures as some users might think that they the exact figures of an F1 RW and misinform other people as well, which can come back to bite me...so I will only post L/D ratio)
I have tried to get the wings to produce the same Lift so that I could examine just one variable, drag. I got them to produce about the same lift. The regular RW produced only 1.6% more lift. What is interesting is that it produced 14.7% less drag. The reason for the Sauber-inspired RW being more draggy, I think, is the stronger vortex produced because of the varying lift produced along the span of the wing.
Normal Rear Wing:
L/D Ratio: 2.6

Sauber (inspired) Rear Wing:
L/D Ratio: 2.2