Tommy Cookers wrote:is the crankcase intended to be seperate from what you have called the cylinder bank/cooling jackets ???
No, These are going to be all one unit. If I was building an air cooled engine I might contemplate this but not for this appilication.
Tommy Cookers wrote:also, some relatively modern motorcycle engines can 'easily' form the basis of a seperate crankcase V16 around 5-6 litres
somewhat like the Powertec V8, but you can avoid making anything above the crankcase mouth
Yeah, I do remember the Powertech V8

Lovely little engine.
Tommy Cookers wrote:I think you should look at the Ferrari flat 12 from the 1970s F1 car regarding stiffness
also significantly, these had 4 main bearings (not 7 like a V12)
I'm definatly going to look into that but I think I can form at least three suggestions into why Ferrari did what they did. Since the cylinder bank is in a 180 degree orientation the cylinders naturally cancel each other out. This in turn negates some of the reasons for including more main bearings. And I can only guess that the counter balances were also different than regular 60 degree V12 engines as well.
Tommy Cookers wrote:a 135 deg V16 could reasonably be designed for 5 main bearings (not 9), but this needs to be determined in week 1
you don't need to have exactly 135 deg
I do not want to skimp on main bearings, I know I'm fighting a serious battle with friction here. But I'd prefer lower rpms to a warped crank any day of the week.
Tommy Cookers wrote:bound up with this area of decision is the issue of importing cylinder heads etc eg from an existing V8 or motorcycle
I already looked into doing this and figured that it's best to mill out the heads just like the engine block. If I wanted to do something like motorcycle inline 4s on a common block than I would need to weld in something similar to the BRM in the middle of the engine that operates a seperate set of gears in the heads for DOHC to work. Then at the very end of the day, I would only be able to install one side as the other would be facing the wrong direction.
Tommy Cookers wrote:a 120 deg V12 could also do what you want (and could have 4 main bearings ?)
regarding smoothness/balance ie cancellation via the crankshaft of forces and moments due to rotation/reciprocation
the V12 and V16 are in this respect conceptually perfect regardless of the V angle (so why make a V16 ?)
When I was designing the vehicle I though very hard on the engine to use for this appilication. Here was my observations:
V8- Compact, light weight, can make the nessassy power. However it will not run smooth enough without redesigning the engine mounting points and installing dampers to reduce engine vibration in the cabin.
V10- Compact, difficult to source, will not provide the engine sound necessary for the appilication.(I'd be limited to the Viper engine. Or be forced to basically repeat this process with a straight 5 from a Volvo or motorcycle.)
V12- Long, smooth, relatively high rpms, with the right heads and intake combination it can be made to sound very beautiful. However, the engine would not make the required sound or be as smooth as I want for this application. Also unless I go with a 60 degree V which would be rather high. I would need to design a offset crank for the engine.
Hince I went with the V16, since it would provide the power of the V12, V10, and V8 all with relative smoothness, and the distinctive sound I want out of the exhaust pipe.
Tommy Cookers wrote:traditionally the V angle is chosen to give equally-spaced and small firing intervals (firing is unrelated to balance)
Firing cannot be unrelated to balance since the whole meaning of balance is the cancellation of the combustion vibration with an equal force which is why flatplane engines have exhaust crossovers to negate the effect and produce a "balanced" feel.
xxChrisxx wrote:I have an an issue with the usage of the word design in this thread. Those solidworks tutorials are not doing design, they are drawing a picture of an engine
I understand, I'm addressing the issues with that engine in my design but I'm also aware that a separate pair of eyes is better than one at spotting mistakes. Which is why I started this thread to iron out the mistakes with people equally or more knowledgable than myself before I pull this thing from my hard drive into reality