A few of you guys know I have a website I've been building, which is due to my mild frustration at gaps we have in the community. We have this awesome page (my go to page), Scarbs, and others, which have great stuff. The problem was I didn't know of a place that actually applied to Motorsports Engineering in the stricter mathematical Engineering sense.
Most of my articles are rather math intensive and require at least some knowledge of Calculus. My newest article is a good representation of what I THINK will help my target audience (some of you).
I do this to help, and I need feedback to know if this stuff is interesting, too technical, too simple, helpful, almost helpful, or boring. I've gotten a few emails from some of you and others off this site, but not enough feedback to justify the amount of work it takes to write these articles, build the site, and pay for the hosting.
Possibly part of the problem is requiring an account to post a comment due to the spam comments I was getting at first.
Could you guys check out this article, and maybe another 1 or 2 that are most interesting, and let me know if this is helpful enough to you or if I should put my time to better use ?
Applied Math Example - Definate Integral - Distance Traveled by F1 car under Braking