johnny99 wrote:Thanks Tom, I'm an avid reader of your posts. So the centreline of the wheel is behind the centreline of the upright, thus adding mech trail, adding feel to the steering, therefore needing less caster. It will not push down the inside wheel in a corner like positive caster angles will ?
Correct. Or another way of thinking about it, you could run a lot of caster and offset your spindle the opposite way to shrink the mechanical trail and not have very heavy steering. Though the specifics of how much weight jacking you'll have dynamically with high caster and real driving loads, camber, tire deflection etc. maybe isn't trivial to figure out.
To back up a few steps... on a performance car - especially if you have manual steering - my opinion is that really the first step is to just make sure your mechanical trail is reasonably sized so driving the car isn't like wrestling a bear. There's such a thing as too little steering feedback, and such a thing as too much. Whether you achieve that by caster or spindle offset... I'm going to stop short of saying, "doesn't matter," but there are much bigger performance gains to spend the time on elsewhere (tires, engine, differential [huge!!], static alignment, mass distribution, springs, bars, and dampers).''
Of course you can always build some adjustment range into the control arms and spindle when it comes to caster and longitudinal offset...
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.