I'm currently trying to understand how to properly compare different settings on a shock that I have just had on a dyno. The dyno took the shock through roughly two full cycles, but the data points from the first cycle are noticeably different from the second. My issue is shown here:
How should I treat this data if I want to compare multiple different shock settings?
1. Leave it alone?
2. Average the forces and velocities from the different cycles and plot that?
3. Offset the y-axis to 0 force so that I can compare different settings that way?
4. Offset the x-axis to 0 velocity?
5. Both 3 and 4?
6. Use 2, 3, and 4?
Just to play around, I took the point with the red arrow in the first picture, and offset the plot so that point is at 0 on the y-axis (option 3 above). I chose the point with the red arrow because it was closer to the y-axis than the other point at near zero velocity. I then deleted the data from the other cycle, to get this plot:
To me, this is much easier to work with. But is it the best way to go about this? Am I missing out on important data by doing this? Again, my goal here is to accurately compare different shock settings.