One of my all-time favorite topics to talk and think about, especially in the off-season. I strongly believe in adaptability and flexibility as general principles and it is no wonder that I love Chameleons.
In our case, F1 or general mainstream aviation and aerodynamics, the morphing wings concept isn't new. NASA declassified a document back in 1997 which was revealing a project (I believe code-named THUNDER) to control the shape of an aerofoil.
This one isn't fresh either, but it talks about similar thing - super aero wing - ... -wing.html
A similar concept I've got for some time stuck in my head, however, haven't had the time to research and read about further, is having a piezoelectric devices on top of a surface, let's say a wing or a sidepod. These small devices are certainly flat to avoid shape drag penalty, and are connected with very thin and small wires to a general electric charger. Given the E-approach F1 has taken, this doesn't really sound unusual. At the push of a button, these devices release small amount of electricity, which is supposed to 'wake' and re-energize the boundary layer, thus helping to some extent to relieve drag. I can't, however, nicely quantify the amount of drag that can be saved, and I believe it may be a small gain.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on morphing wings and their possible applications in F1.