You are asking for a simple explanation to a reasonably complex problem. Are you studying this at university or just out of your own interest? What papers and pages have you actually look at? I really find it quite difficult to believe it when people say they have looked for information but haven't found or understood anything. There is a lot of info out there!
There is no getting out of this easily:
Firstly, you need to understand basic mechanics, i.e. Newton laws for linear and rotational systems.
Then you can look at learning about tyres and how they generate forces (grip).
Then in a third step learn about how the tyre forces affect the car's control and stability.
Asking on a public forum is just as likely to send you down the wrong road as it is to help you in any way.
Have a look at books by Milliken, Pacjka, Gillespie, Smith, Dixon and others. If you don't want to buy a book try to at least track down some lecture notes from a reputable uni.
Here are some good book lists: ... car-design
I have Milliken and Pacejka and I still use them often in my work.
There are also numerous seminars being offered by companies on vehicle dynamics, many of them aimed at motorsport and many of them discounted for students if you are in that position. Unfortunately some of them are a bit weak in terms of the theory (old habits die hard) but still they are a very good way to get a lot of exposure to the field in a very small amount of time (e.g. a few days)
But if all that seems like too much work:
1. Tyres generate slip angles by travelling in a different direction to the one they are pointing at
2. CG to the back > OS // CG to the front US