I am entering the 2014 KVRC and this is the car for the firts race.
Lots of things to optimize, but looking pretty good compared to last year.
Any comments
- It is true that the turbulence model is different, and k-epsilon has some difficulties to solve things omega-epsilon does not. But bear in mind that the model used in FlowSim is a variation of the standar k-epsilon model and has many tweaks to deal with recirculations, adverse pressure gradients, etc. I wouldn't worrie to much about it. You should be able to get close enough results if you check other parameters.- FlowSim doesn't inlcude the same turbulence model of OpenFoam-Khamsin (only k-eps, not omega-eps)
- FlowSim also has problems with that, but, at least in my case, I needed almost half the iterations to make it converge. My tip would be that you put the COP as a Goal in FlowSim. It won't make it converge, but you will be more confident that it has.- The convergence of the COP value is quite difficult (I think it's the same for the official solver)
-There is no consense in this either. Usually 7-10 times the characteristic lenght is used in the flow direction. In our case it would make it practically impossible to get results in a reasonable time. In my case I use 15m long, 4m wide and 4m tall. I only simulate half car and apply a simmetry boundary condition in the middle. This reduces the cell count and makes the calculation faster.- Really have no idea of the right dimnesions fo the wind tunnel (I'm using a 30x10x10 box)
-This deppends a lot in your set up, specially mesh size. Do you simulate tires? Do they rotate? What mesh size do you use?- When I run a steady state solution I obtain very low downforce (500N 100mph ...), only with a transient solution I receive reasonable results