What exactly are you looking for? like what kind of information?
Although, I was under the impression that most LMP and F1 cars don't actually use a carbon roll hoop. The top part at least is an alloy, and it attaches to the monocoque just underneath.
Hmm... do you mean a roll hoop, or a roll cage? If it's for a plane, I presume that what you're looking for is a composite tube space frame, and not a protrusion that the car sits on when somebody's done goofed.
If that is indeed what you are looking for... I may be able to help.
If not, you're on your own. The only thing I can direct you towards is a fibreglass roll hoop that my school's solar car team did, but even I was not terribly impressed with they work they did (only static testing, etc), so I suspect you may not find it too useful.