This document might help. It presents the suspension ideas of Erik Zapletal, which seem to be similar to the concept you are discussing.
Damping is not really discussed in the document, but
elsewhere, he posted a rather unhelpful, even misleading, rant entitled "dampers are crutches for stupid springs".
I have rig tested what I believe was an implementation (in scaled form) of a Zapletal suspension.
Here is a sample run extracted from the test (for a warp logarithmic sweep covering the range 0.5 up to 40 Hz). Two things to note:
1. Friction (presumably in the linkages) was something of an issue (note the waveform of the load histories at low frequency).
2. The system had no control over the hub modes (at 42+ seconds, & 14 Hz). Damping would certainly help....
Two more things to note:
1. I believe that Peter Wright was first to coin the "skiing" metaphor.
2. An active system would not require the linkages to implement a system with similar characteristics.