Thanks for the replies
I have CFD (Symscape) and testing the cars along with the rotation of the wheels, moving ground and thrust from the canister.# really helps.
After track testing, we found out that the rear wing is responsible for a considerable amount of drag (because it is a protrusion).
A dummy car with the rear wing had a fastest time of 1.135 seconds while the car without had a fastest time of 1.095 seconds.
The main problem is to reduce the effect of the rear wing (drag).
After CFD testing, we found out that swept wings in the shape of an aerofoil is the best with the lowest drag.
So is there any way i could make it less like a protrusion?
And to the previous competitors....
What is the exact preference
1) Aerodynamics
2) Wheel System
3) Weight
4) Surface Finish and Friction
For me it is Weight, Wheel System, Aerodynamics, Surface Finish & Friction. I am confused whether Aerodynamics or surface friction is more important.
and btw
Dylan- you are from A1 Racing right? Could I get some overall tips while designing?
Also many teams use teflon just because it has a low coefficient of friction.
Based on my research, this is a wrong practice. The coefficient of friction always changes with different solids.
So the coefficient of friction of PTFE with the track material may be larger than the ideal one.
So, to find the ideal material, knowing the material of the track (the official one) is very important. So if anyone could tell me the material of the track, it would be very helpful.
My guess is Laminated MDF. But since i do not have any proof I don't know for sure.
And I started developing the Previous National Finals Car (Fastest with a time of 1.067 sec).
I have analysed the problems on that car and I am developing it.
Previous Car- Drag- 0.366 N
Developed Car - Drag- 0.21 N
I will be testing the cars in Wind Tunnel and on Track.
Results will be shown soon
I tested the car in symscape and found a low pressure are just behind the rear wheel. (the half diffuser looks like a reverse arrow from the top). And I do not have a clear idea to reduce that.
Harybald wrote:
The car usually jumps in the air at the start of the race, so there is a lot of friction between the tether guides and the line
Your idea should be to ask why this happens, and then try to tackle it.
This happens due to the difference between the thrust plane and COG.
The only thing to solve this is to refine the COG.
I have asked Many ppl about this but i have different answers. Should the COG coincide with the Thrust Plane?