Scarily enough, we're only a little over half way through the year and it's already time to start talking about championship permutations.
At this point, it's pretty much anyone's game if you allow for retirements. If you don't though, we're pretty close to a decided championship.
By my maths:
• Hamilton will win put himself clear of Rosberg (meaning, leaving Rosberg to need hamilton to finish lower than 2nd in some races) if he wins 3 more races (2 more would allow Rosberg to win every remaining race, with Hamilton second, finish level on points, and win based on number of victories).
• Rosberg needs to win at least 6 of the next 8 races assuming Hamilton doesn't have any disasters
• Vettel needs Hamilton to finish 3rd or lower in 2 races, and to win every remaining race (with hamilton 2nd in the other races) to win.
Of course, retirements can still shake up the season at this point, but with the Mercedes looking solid as a rock, it seems unlikely that there will be (m)any more.