Heya, new guy on the forums, though I have lurked here quite often over the years.
I thought I'd go on a real Hail Mary quest and would like to ask if anyone here has ever tried, read or heard about the following subject: How well, if at all, do racing wet weather tyres fare on snow/ice?
The thought came up when thinking about how in some special cases racing cars have been driven on snow or ice as a publicity kind of thing, for example F1 cars seem to do it every year in various locales. Usually they're running modified versions of their full wet tyres, like for example Pirelli produces their full wets with added studs for F1 use in the winter (labeled IceZero or SottoZero instead of Cinturato usually). Full wets usually share some characteristics with winter tyres, namely being made of a soft compound with hefty grooving and fairly sharply edged blocks, though they do of course lack any siping and the studs.
There is of course a reason why winter tyres are used for winter racing when it happens, and I've seen lower level open-wheelers as well as GT cars running on road winter tyres, but I keep wondering whether or not full wets, possibly hand siped, would be completely horrible on snow/ice.
We already know that normal summer tyres for road cars though can be absolutely catastrophically bad, gripping worse on snow than even studless winter tyres manage on sheet ice. Still, data and experience is always better than just guessing.