Brawn talks about a "success ballast" in this article as a possible resolve for a dominant team. I'm intrigued at this idea in F1.
Where would something like this be placed on an F1 car? Each chassis is so sensitive to any weight gain/loss -- especially to where the weight is shifted. A 5 pound ballast placed under bottom of the engine may cost the Merc chassis .25 seconds per lap, but that same weight and location may penalize the Ferrari more like .40 seconds per lap (completely arbitrary time guesses). So this would not be in the spirit of what they are trying to accomplish with a ballast--which is to level the playing field fairly.
How can this idea be implemented, and what kind of material and placement is likely? Is this idea in keeping with F1 racing philosophy?
Liberty is fortunate to have Ross Brawn on their side. There's not a trick he does not know, and he invented many himself. Team bosses must know the jig is up and we will likely see teams like Williams return again to their winning ways -- maybe even as soon as next year with an idea as "heavy" as this. ... to_an_end/