After watching the race at the weekend, I was thinking to myself that maybe it would be great to discuss what people thought might be useful improvements that Race Control could look at. Things like driver communication, deployment of VSC/SC, use of flags or LED screens, placement of pit lane lights etc etc.
I'll kick off with my own idea:
FIA Race Control have a radio broadcast function, and when things like the VSC/SC are deployed, pit lane entry/exit closed and any other safety announcements need to be made, they are broadcast via driver radio. This allows all drivers to hear the announcement at the same time the moment they happen. I'm sure in a sport where milliseconds count, this would save the teams some headaches.
At the same time, the usual broadcast to teams can be made in writing.
Usual flags would still apply in case of radio failures.
Thoughts? If you have other ideas I would love to hear them and discuss them.