...because my brother was in it. He's been going to a local martial arts centre for about eighteen months now and this was his first fight. He does Muay Tai, JKD, all the U.F.C. grappling and stuff, it was a really good night.
All our family was there, even my old dear is fifty three and registered disabled ( ! ) and she was yelling her head off and also enjoyed it which surprised me. My brothers fight only lasted fifteen seconds because he won on a technical knockout with his first blow. The guy threw him to the floor in a grapple, then when he got up did a front kick twice right to my brothers gut then Ste cracked the bloke in the head with his first punch and he went down like a sack of King Edwards!
I'll try and post the video when it's available. There are some photos at this link here. Click on Urban Warriors in the menu on the left.My brother is the guy in the Union Jack shorts.
[IMG:500:752]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... teveT0.jpg[/img]
[IMG:500:752]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... teveT3.jpg[/img]
[IMG:500:752]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... teveT7.jpg[/img] The knockout blow.
[IMG:752:500]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... teveT9.jpg[/img]Goodnight Vienna!
[IMG:752:500]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... eveT12.jpg[/img]