Well Cornell Racer#1 welcome to THE forum, I saw from another thread you were interested in aero, very complex stuff and I'd love to know more about it myself, which is actually while I came here in the first place. You can learn alot from this site, it's worth checking out
http://www.f1technical.net/topics/5 this link, although it is only aerodynamics in its most basic form (at least compared to the stuff the teams are showcasing at the moment) it has proved very useful to me.
Thanks for reminding me, I was going to ask anyone for any CFD product info, as for CAD, the perfect program is debatable, in school we use AutoCAD which is very user friendly and only moderatly priced, here I have TurboCAD which only cost £50, although it has several limitations. The Solidworks name often appears here but I have no experience of it.
I'd be happy to try and send you a copy of TurboCAD if I had any idea how.