After the dissmal performance from this afternoon, I was on the verge on creating this topic. Thank you modbaraban.
When it became obvious RA107 was a horrible failure, at the begining of the season, I remember Nick Fry was asked to justify how their new car could be outperformed by SA's updated RA106.
He had to admit the car was a disaster while cornering at medium and high speed, balance was unstable during braking, and generally the car lacked consistance, behaving differently from a lap to another in similar conditions (
note that Renault described the same first and last problems with their car, and they have a common point with Honda:confessed wind tunnel problems -i.e on both side datas from testing didn't correspond with the tunnel's ones)
But there was another thing Fry aknowleged. Apparently the dissentions between Geoff Willis and Honda's japanese heads revolved about Willis being critisized for his conservative approach, while Honda were very attached to their "philosophy of innovation". (
it's probably a lot more complicated but that's what I understood at that time from the team reports and Fry's interviews. I'll try to document this post later with links, but it is possible you find those declarations here in Principessa's news from begining of season)
As you know Willis was fired, and Fry inherited the hard task:
incarnate the "philosophy of innovation" dear to Honda.. The RA107 was then built around this philosophy, taking risks to try and find the audacious bit that can make the difference. I think in clear they didn't "evolve" a working concept (RA106), but rather choose to built a brand new package based on (not necessary tested) theories, even maybe "borrowed" ones... (Mac Laren obvious inspiration).
In the end, audacity didn't pay at all, the team seems to struggle even to understand how their car really behave and how to make it a little more driveable (remember bunny hears).
Like modbaraban, I'd be very happy to read insights from aero people, because it seems to worsen races after races, the relative performance is sinking at the same rythm than their desperate developpement...
Today the car was lapping in the 1'23 when Spykers were on 1'21.