While browsing through our numerous topics that aim to compare cars, I was regretting that differences in cars position and liveries makes the comparisons so hard.
Obviously the idea of virtually painting all the cars in the same color (please not red ), and positioning them exactly the same is not original, it must have striken each of you, at least once.
This lead me to think it must be harder than it looks, otherwise such forum as ours would be overflowed by "standardised" pics like that. So what is the problem? Can't we give it a try? (By "we" I mean "you", of course, as I'm totally useless in this field)
Finding pics of different cars from same viewpoint (angle, distance, and shot with same apperture speed and wideness) is possible, but then we nearly never have the whole field in those pics. (bar555 often manage to find some for his "photo comparison" topics). For exemple on this dutch site there is a good deal of pics of different cars from same viewpoint, particulary side view.
Then, changing the colour of the cars to a "reference" one, from a bitmap image, should be feasible, given how easily certain members (manchild comes to mind- remember last year Renault's livery topic) can play with the cars schemes and colors.
In an ideal world the original pics should have the same exposition to light, because placing the shadows on the same places would be the top! Otherwise moving the shadows must be hard, but I guess people used to photoshop work can deal with this task, no?
It would really be great to have such standardised pics from every new contender in the same thread, for optimal comparison.(organised like bar555's threads) I think Honda's virginal white could be the best possible color, because of it's clarity.
Then the obvious reference point for car size and position should be the Bridgestones tyres.
Well, I'm shamefully asking for others to do the work, but I'm worthless for this task. I have in mind members who have proved photoshoping abilities, but anybody can help, particulary for finding the pics. Is someone interested?