Im looking for an F1 crash...

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Im looking for an F1 crash...


Not be morbid or anything, but I am trying to get some info about the racing incidents and crashing in the late 1980 and early 1990s.

The crash I am looking for is a driver who drove straight into the pitwall seperating the track from the pit.
He was following another driver, trying to overtake him, just as he drove into the pit, and he, crashed into the wall. The other driver drove straight though the pits without changing tyres or anything.

I though it was Piquet senior, but I am unsure.

The reason is, I would like to see if there is a tendency that drivers in the late 180s and early 1990s would race harder, and crash more hard, and that crashing into one another was not considered as dangerous, as after the wake up call of Imola 1994.
It could be an explanation to why drivers like Hill and Schumacher drove like they did. They were "born" of that generation.
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Re: Im looking for an F1 crash...


could be the berger-patrese crash in '92

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Joined: 02 Jan 2010, 01:57

Re: Im looking for an F1 crash...


This one???
To achieve anything, you must be prepared to dabble on the boundary of disaster.”
Sir Stirling Moss