Vehicle Dynamics Distance Learning Courses?

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Anvit Garg
Anvit Garg
Joined: 04 Jan 2009, 22:13

Vehicle Dynamics Distance Learning Courses?



I am a senior in mechanical engineering at a college located in the USA. I am attempting to start a new Formula Student race team and my school does not support anything automotive.

I am in desperate need of a distance learning course that is as intense as any graduate or undergraduate engineering course.

So far I have found the following: ... the-course

Any insight?? The price is nearly 3000 USD, I dont know about investing such an amount unless this is the best of the best for e-learning.

Here is a 2 day course offered through University of Michigan Dearborn: ... me3091.pdf

The above link is a 2-day course...

And they offer an entire MS in Automotive Engineering online: ... RG_ID=AENG

No GRE required if your GPA is good enough.

I am attempting to build a suspension system by May 2009 as my senior project so I am looking for a class that I can attend (by distance) parallel.

Thank you for any input!