Twitter page

Everything about this website and its content. Here you will find update announcements or requests for feedback. Questions about layout, functionality, content, and your suggestions are welcome.
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Twitter page


Hi all,

since we felt it necessary to have some kind of blog about the goings on on f1technical, we have decided to start up a twitter page. You will find most of our news there, together with updates on the development work or general site information.

Feel free to follow us!

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Re: Twitter page


Twitter eh?

That's too bad. For those of us who hate Twitter, and it is a large number of people, will us anti-Twits still be able to get the same info in the newsletter?

I was told I had to go on to MySpace, and I didn't, and I'm still OK.

I was told I had to get a Facebook account, and I did, I relented, now I hate it. You're a pirate! You're a ninja! Woo! I went to high school with you, hated you, and now you want to be my 35 year old internet buddy?

Twitter is going to be a big flash in a small pan, as whatever is coming next will be better, then your going to be stuck with Twits telling you that you need to maintain this (already) outdated service. It was set up by silicon valley types to bridge a gap in communication, and 140 character limit is a lame ceiling put in by tech people so they could tell you what they are doing from their 5 year old Nokia.

I really hate griping on a site which is by far my favorite, and is a nice little escape form the rest of the world of the internet.

What will I miss by continuing my boycott?
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute

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Re: Twitter page


Giblet i couldn't agree with you more, i will join your boycott =D>. i will just come to the site for my info.

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Re: Twitter page


At this time you won't miss a lot. It is set up as a kind of experiment and I'll only announce it here in the forum.

Most particularly, since the news is published there (with a link back to this site), it allows for regular twitterers to more easily follow f1technical. I think that would be the target, as of course keeping up to date with the news can also be done with our RSS feeds ;)

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02

Re: Twitter page


I can understand F1T not standing still and moving forward into possible communication methods such as twitter. But just like Giblet and kevster145 (any many more) I avoid such web sites. But you know what? I'm going to visit the F1T twitter. I happen to have a lot of respect and trust in Tomba, Principessa, and all the ones who make this site so wonderful.
Why do I avoid becoming immersed in such social networking sites? First off, the net is a wonderful tool. But I don't live on it, I just use it in a positive suppliment to my lifestyle. I have seen too many people and relationships ruined because those involved lost sight of reality and lived more on the net than real life. Secondly, where do you think sexual predators and professional thieves lurk? They used to hang around school playgrounds and in the shadows waiting for opportunities. Now, they hang around chat rooms and places like facebook and twitter. If I was a professional thief I'd be rubbing my hands in glee, because somewhere some individual is announcing that he and his family will vacate their home for four hours to go watch a movie. What an opportunity to clean out that fool's house.
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Re: Twitter page


Twitter. No thanks. I have a 5 yr old Samsung and still won't join.

RSS feeds? Niiiice. I liiiike.

I can't wait for the forum to become a video forum in some ways, where the users would record their comments on a video and post them here. Now that would be a nice way to move forward.

Joined: 29 Mar 2006, 00:56

Re: Twitter page


eeek twitter eeek

i prefer the much larger non regulated, none owned social networking network
of interconnected networks (aka the internet)

if i want people to know my favourite dog food colour or whatever i will make a web page and blog on that

just to view you are forced to join


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Joined: 19 Aug 2002, 18:32
Location: Belgium

Re: Twitter page


nae wrote:eeek twitter eeek

i prefer the much larger non regulated, none owned social networking network
of interconnected networks (aka the internet)

if i want people to know my favourite dog food colour or whatever i will make a web page and blog on that

just to view you are forced to join

hehe :D

Well to visit our page you don't have to join anything though. Everything is public and mainly aimed to spread the f1t word ;)

Joined: 29 Mar 2006, 00:56

Re: Twitter page


bah wrong again

och well maybe next life i will be right more often


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Re: Twitter page


I know you don't think it now but Twitter is almost as big a deal as email was / is. Trust me... you'll see!
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Re: Twitter page


Scuderia_Russ wrote:I know you don't think it now but Twitter is almost as big a deal as email was / is. Trust me... you'll see!
F1technical is now following you Russ ;)

Anyway, 60 followers is more than what I had expected when setting up the twitter page a few weeks ago.

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Re: Twitter page



I haven't been using twitter at all lately. The reason? It takes too much time to dig through heaps of unimportant tweets, but it's so much worse when you can't tell the read tweets from the new. I use RSS to follow other websites A LOT so it's just a part of my daily routine. When twitter supported RSS properly it was usable enough to check once in awhile. But then they introduced the new layout and the new authentication system that isn't supported by any browsers AFAIK. So now you need an extra app on your desktop that would slow down and bug your system while not doing much more than the twitter web page.

Now during this silly season I'm beginning to feel I'm missing out on F1 gossip from the likes of Scarbs etc. so it got me thinking again. Is there a way to get round the problem? I know I can still follow individual feeds 1 per twitter person,but that would make a looong list in my Opera browser. I tried to create a public list and subscribe to it, but the feed doesn't seem to update just like when I follow my timeline.
Any advice?

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Joined: 19 Aug 2002, 18:32
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Re: Twitter page


I would strongly recommend checking out tweetdeck. It's a desktop application (with an android and an iphone version as well) that allows you to easily access any twitter stream you want. In fact you can also use it to follow facebook or google buzz. I wouldn't use twitter without it.

Anyway, F1T now has 974 followers

Joined: 19 Mar 2007, 01:47
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Re: Twitter page


I'd like to partially redact my statement at the top of this page from 2007.

While personally I don't use twitter I now see how it can be of use. It's all about who you choose to follow. It's a shame that every business seems to miss the point and sets up an account to follow sandwich deals or some such blather.
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute

Joined: 19 Nov 2009, 13:09

Re: Twitter page


I would urge any keen F1 fan to forget their preconceived thoughts perhaps influenced by press and well worn stories that its celebrities telling you what they had for lunch! As gilbert said its all about who you follow.

If you like Mclaren then following Hamilton, Button and the team feed is superb IMO. You will only ever hear from them not lady gaga or whatever...just dont follow the rubbish. The amount of stories and exclusives teams had broken on twitter is rather significant now. I pop on there and know Ive not missed any latest news. F1 teams and journalists have truly embraced it and use it better than most sports/interests

Give it a go! Im off to follow F1technical!!