Apple i phone does yours work?

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Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Apple i phone does yours work?


Just a balance to the microsoft thread.
It now seems that the new Apple i phone four does practicaly everything you can imagine and probably boils kettles and drives your car.
Trouble is it does not do what it is bought to do.
Work as a telephone.
I wonder if the west will ever wake up, stop playing kids games and start sorting things out in reality.

Joined: 18 Sep 2009, 19:22

Re: Apple i phone does yours work?


Which is why I bought a Samsung Galaxy S.

This is a problem now that Apple have become huge, they just can't afford to make schoolboy errors like this, when they were the underdog company they could get away with it. All Apple products are (usually) very well engineered but horribly overpriced.

I just found it a wonderful irony that they made a huge blunder like this.