donskar wrote:Giblet wrote:I thought it was a done deal and they have done with the Dallara chassis design.
Yes, it is a Dallara. Teams are allowed to create and re-sell "aero packages," though, so we may see some visual differences.
Cotman has said no areo kits until 2012, with Dallara the only vendor, the other's who may, and use that very losley, have yet to recieve any paramiters, , there are owners that are really pissd. The whole process was a sham, Lola and Swift and other's are blackballed. Honda and Dallarra were always going to get the contracts. Do not look for Lotus to make any kits, they are bleeding cash from buying of Renault f1. Lola and Swift were ready to hit the windtunnels, when they made Dallarra the chassis and they had to rush to get a very hurried CAD pic of thier proposal. So it will be spec racing again. What i would like to see if anyone can do a CDF of the cassis. It's looks to be built for ovals and will be a pig on road and street courses. No really leap in technology,