Interview with Kimi Raikkonen

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Kimi Raikkonen is looking forward to the Japanese Grand Prix. Although the Finn admitted that the season has lost some of its excitement after losing the battle for the Drivers' title to Fernando Alonso, he said that he plans to do all he can to assist McLaren Mercedes to secure the 2005 Constructors' crown.

Interview with Kimi Raikkonen

Kimi, to what extent is the season now finished for you personally?
"For the Drivers' championship, but there are still two races to try to win the Constructors' Championship but we will do the best that we can for the last two remaining races."

Does anything change for you in these last two races?
"Of course, in one way because were fighting hard for the Drivers' championship and for me personally it is more important than the others but of course I want to do the best for the team also but it's not so exciting any more."

So, what has been the most significant point for you this season?
"I think once we got back to Europe, the package started to go better, we got the best out of the car and the package, so I think that was the important part of the season and then we started winning. Of course it was nice to win the races and we aimed to win the championship also but anyhow we did the best we could and we will try next year again."

So what have you learned this year?
"I don't know what I've learned really. Of course, you always learn from mistakes from your driving in races, but nothing really significant."

Your hopes for 2006?
"We will try to fight for the championship and try to win it but with all the new rules we don't know what's going to happen next year. But I think we will have a good package anyhow and hopefully it will be good enough for winning races and fighting for the championship."

And in ten years time, can you see yourself still racing?
"I don't know. I think that is too far away. It all really depends what in the coming years. If you enjoy it then maybe you will keep going, but ten years is quite a long time so I don't know."

This year, the tyre plays a very important role. How important is it to use the tyre performance and also how much did you enjoy the relationship with Michelin this season?
"I think the relationship has been very good, with Michelin, the tyres have been very good every race, apart from occasionally, and it doesn't matter if the weather has been dry or wet, it is important to have a good package because the biggest difference you can have with the tyres, you can have around a second or so, if you compare with the chassis and the engine and so we have been very happy with them."

You have lost the championship twice in three years, which one is the more bitter experience?
"I think the first one, it was more close so it was more painful. We saw quite a long time ago that it would be very difficult to catch them. We saw that they are very reliable and even though we kept winning they kept finishing behind us so unfortunately it wasn't such a big thing though, but of course we would rather win it than lose it."

About Michael, he is quite old, older than you, so can I have your opinion of him and Kimi, Montoya has dominated the last three races, what is your opinion about the situation in the team, in that he looks stronger and more confident than before?
"I think I have won one of those races, so it is not too bad, some days he is quicker than me, other days I am quicker than him, I think not much has changed in the season. Now there are two races to go we will see which one is going to be quicker, but it is not going to change much anyhow. About Michael, I don't think he has lost anything of his speed, I think they have had a difficult season this year, their package has not been as good as before, so people are just thinking that he is a bit slower than last year but I don't think that happens so quickly."

I think for the drivers the drivers' championship is the most important thing but it is over now. Are you motivated enough to race and do you see any differences in the next two races from other former races?
"Yeah, I am happy it is only two races to go and I will try to do the best for the team in those races."

There is continuous speculation about you and Ferrari. Can you make a comment?
"They're not new rumours, they are already three years old. But of course, now, everyone knows that my contract is only to next year with McLaren so maybe it becomes more exciting to write those rumours but the fact is that I have a contract next year and I'm happy with the team and for sure the car will also be good next year and I don't see any reason to go anywhere else. OK, after next year, we will see again, but I'm happy to stay."