Ferrari funds 6 study grants for research activities

As part of its own initiatives for the development, support and enhancement of capable young people, Ferrari decided to fund six study grants of €25,000 to be awarded by means of an international competition to young graduates/ graduating students in Engineering, Physics, Architecture and Human Factors for the conducting of research activities.
The six study grants will be of 12 months' duration, and will focus on the development of areas of Innovation. During the grant period, the winners must carry out a Research Project on a subject they themselves have proposed and which will concern the following themes:
- CO2 reduction (energetic efficiency);
- Car weight reduction;
- MMI (man machine interface).
The competition is open to Italian citizens and to those of the European Union, the United States of America, Canada and the People's Republic of China, graduates / graduating students in Engineering, Physics, Architecture and Human Factors. The candidature must be sent to the following email address:, within Feb. 15th, 2009.
A committee of Ferrari Engineers will assess the candidatures and Research Projects received in order to award the study grants.
Source Ferrari