F1 teams worried about impact of volcano fall-out

The volcano fall-out, which has forced most of the European airports to close down, is now starting to worry the Formula One teams. After the Chinese race, the teams will be stuck in China for an undetermined time as it remains unclear when fly movement will be possible again after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano on Iceland.
As most of the flights from Shanghai to Europe have been cancelled, the Formula One personnel may have to wait until early May for the next available seat on a flight back home.
This could bring the teams in difficulties for the Spanish Grand Prix in three weeks time as it will be difficult to get the cars ready for the race at the Circuit de Catalunya, especially as the beginning of the European leg of the season means that most teams have major updates on their cars.
Currently, the Spanish airports are not affected by the cloud of volcano ash and this could give the teams the opportunity to ship their personnel and equipment directly to Barcelona if the delays back to the factories would be too extensive.