Minor improvement for Schumacher after second surgery

In another medical bulletin this morning, doctors treating Michael Schumacher in Grenoble say the former F1 World Champion is showing minor signs of improvement following another surgery.
Doctors say a brain scan following the second surgery showed improvement, even though it is still too early to say if and how the German will recover from his skiing accident from Saturday.
"We can't say he is out of danger but ... we have gained a bit of time," said Prof. Dr. Jean-Francois Payen, the doctor in charge of Grenoble University Hospital's intensive care unit. "The coming hours are crucial."
Payen said Schumacher underwent surgery overnight - his second since the fall on Sunday - and a brain scan Tuesday showed minor improvement. But doctors say the retired seven-time champion still has brain lesions.
The surgery was successful in "evacuating" a hematoma located on the left side of the brain, helping to reduce pressure on the brain. Surgery commenced at 22:00 and lasted for approximately two hours.
The report also reads "the condition is relatively stable and better controlled compared to Sunday, but still remains critical. Schumacher will be kept in an induced coma for as long as it is necessary". He is, as is common in the intensive car unit, continuously monitored.