Drivers launch Mégane F1 Team

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Last night, Giancarlo Fisichella and Heikki Kovalainen launched the Mégane F1 Team in the Middle East region. Designed as a celebration of Renault’s world championship victories in 2005, the Mégane F1 Team was last night launched in the Middle East region by Giancarlo Fisichella and Heikki Kovalainen.<

At the Renault showroom in Manama, the drivers pulled the wraps off the 225 bhp machine – but also had a serious message to communicate. The looks and performance of the Mégane caught the drivers’ eye, but they made it clear that driving on the road is about a lot more than going fast.

“I enjoy my road cars,” explained Giancarlo Fisichella. “I want to feel good at the wheel, to have a good level of power and good looks – like this Mégane. But I always encourage people to drive carefully, to respect the limits and to never drive drunk.”

Although he was not at the showroom, World Champion Fernando Alonso had recorded an important message beforehand.

“Driving on the track and on the road is totally different – people can be good in races, and bad drivers in normal conditions,” explained Fernando Alonso. “The real problem for young people is drinking and driving. When they are out with a group of friends, somebody must take responsibility for the group, not drink and take the wheel. It is the only way to stay safe.”

Source Renaultf1