Q+A Raikkonen

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Before taking off to Bahrain, the McLaren Mercedes Team had a little questions and answers with driver Kimi Raikkonen to get the know the Finnish driver a bit better. Here follows the little interview with Kimi Raikkonen

If I had three wishes,...
"They would be to be Formula One Drivers’ World Champion, to win the Constructors’ Championship with Team McLaren Mercedes and to continue to be happy outside of Formula One."

Which three things would you take to a remote island?
"Jenni, a comfy bed, as I like my sleep and my jet ski!"

If you weren’t a racing driver what would you be?
"I couldn’t really imagine myself doing anything else to be honest. I guess I would have probably kept going with ice-hockey."

What do you particularly love about Formula 1?
"Winning Grands Prix"

What cars do you own, and why did you choose those particular cars?
"I have a couple of Mercedes-Benz, an E55 AMG at home in Switzerland, an ML400 for when I go back to Finland to use in the winter snow. My favourite car though is my Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM, it is awesome. I’m still a bit like a kid with it, taking it out for drives in the mountains where I live, because it is the best drive."

What would be your dream holiday destination?
"My ideal holiday is to spend time at my house in Switzerland and going back to Finland to catch up with family and friends there. Because we travel so much, when we have a break I like to travel as little as possible."

What do you do when you are not racing or testing?
"I would be with my trainer working on my fitness programme, which includes cycling, running, gym work, cross country ski-ing. It's another part of the job that I enjoy, particularly as my trainer is also very competitive so the sessions usually turn into a challenge, and I don’t like to lose! I also have promotions and media work to do, otherwise I will relax with my wife and catch-up with people I don’t get to see when travelling."

What is your favourite race track?
"Definitely Spa in Belgium. It has everything from long, fast sections, tight corners, overtaking chances. It also has the best corner we race through all year, Eau Rouge, which is a really steep hill that flicks you right and then left and you drive it completely flat out. I have also won there twice in a row now, and it is a shame I won't be able to make it a hatrick in 2006 but hopefully it will return in 2007."

Who is your hero?
"I don’t really have heroes as such. There are of course drivers who I have respected over the years, like the various Finns who have made Formula One and other motorsports popular and accessible in Finland, such as Mika Hakkinen, Keke Rosberg and Markus Gronholm."

Source McLaren