Q+A Montoya

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Before taking off to Bahrain, the McLaren Mercedes Team had a little questions and answers with driver Juan Pablo Montoya to get the know the Colombian driver a bit better. Here follows the little interview with Juan Pablo Montoya

If I had three wishes...
"They would be for me and my family to be happy and healthy, to win both World titles with Team McLaren Mercedes and to get to the final level on my computer game!! It is one of those really long, in-depth fantasy ones, it is quite a challenge!"

Which three things would you take to a remote island?
"Inflatable dinghy, Connie and Sebastian."

If you weren’t a racing driver what would you be?
"I would be an architect."

What do you particularly love about Formula One?
"The feeling you get when you take Eau Rouge absolutely flat, it is awesome."

What cars do you own, and why did you choose these particular cars?
"At the moment I am driving a Mercedes-Benz CL, which is a fantastic car. It is extremely comfortable and a great car to drive. I also have a Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM."

What would be your dream holiday destination?
"As I travel so much I really enjoy just going home to Colombia to see all my family and friends. I also love traveling to Miami, it’s a fantastic city, its on the coast and I have the best times there as that is where I keep a lot of my toys, like my jet ski’s and windsurfers."

What do you do when you are not racing or testing?
"I try to spend as much time as possible with my wife and son. I also try to see family and friends too as it's so good just to relax with them. If I am not with family I will probably go and play a round of golf, as I really enjoy it when I have the time, however more recently I have not been playing as much. I like to always be active so if I’m not on the golf course then I will probably be doing one of my other hobbies, windsurfing, snowboarding, depending on the weather. Although I have to admit that computer games are a weakness and that is when I am my least active."

What is your favourite race track?
"The Sepang circuit in Malaysia. I love the many different challenges, sweeping corners, hairpins, long and fast straights, plus various overtaking opportunities."

Who is your hero?
"My ultimate Formula One hero of all time is of course Ayrton Senna, he was, in my opinion, the greatest Formula One driver."

Source McLaren