'Sometimes a second place is worth more than a win'

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At times a second place is worth more than a win. This is the general opinion at Ferrari following the season's opening race in Bahrain. Though Fernando Alonso pushed Michael into runners-up position, no-one felt like it had been a disappointment.

Michael Schumacher "I never thought that things would have gone so well from the very first race", declared the good-humoured, record breaking driver the evening after the race. "If you consider how far behind we were at the end of last season, and how unlikely a win was, the Bahrain result seems phenomenal. We all know how difficult it is to make even the smallest progress in F1 and it is precisely for this reason that it is incredible to see what we were able to put together in order to bridge the gap. It is marvellous to see how the tiring and intense winter work has paid dividends and this, for me and for the entire team, is very pleasing. We couldn't have hoped for a better payback and greater encouragement ahead of the coming race. The motivation derived mainly from the fact that victory was well within our grasp. This was perhaps the only initial, though fleeting, reason to be downbeat". After qualifying, Michael was only able to refuel for a lap less that he could have as he was too slow in qualifying (owing to the traffic on the track). He was not the only driver to suffer this fate and, had he been able to refuel a lap later, could have gone on to claim the win. "Naturally, it is a pity but, nonetheless, the positive aspects of the race prevail".

One plus point was that Ferrari proved to have regained it competitive edge. The result obtained increases the desire to challenge for top spot in Malaysia this coming weekend.

"I see no reason why things shouldn't go well. We are all keen to kick on. I really cannot wait for this season's races. It will be a tight one but this is how it should be". Michael will leave for Malaysia today.

Source Ferrari