Walk on water

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Our drivers are a pretty down to earth bunch, with very few airs and graces, but there are others - no names - who, over the years, have had their heads filled with so much Toro s**t that they being to believe they possess godlike qualities and that they can walk on water.

Tonio Liuzzi proved he almost could, when he stopped off in Singapore in between Bahrain and Malaysia. He and Robert Doornbos, third driver for Red Bull Racing tried their hand at a spot of wakeboarding. The two men had tried this strange sport before when they were F3000 team-mates and took to skimming along on a plank of wood above the water like a duck to…..well, like a duck to water. They were given lessons from a top local wakeboard expert who pulled off some amazing stunts. After Lunch on the Beach, which sounds like an exotic cocktail, but was actually lunch on the beach, Tonio was taken off to Singapore's impressive aquarium, "Underwater World." Here, Liuzzi almost had to be pushed into a giant tank to swim with sharks and other big fish. The Italian admitted he was scared, having once had a frightening encounter with a Barracuda. The action man theme continued as Tonio then proceeded to abseil down a seven story building. Driving a race car this weekend will seem like a piece of cake.
