Hard nut to crack for Alonso

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According to Ron Dennis, Fernando Alonso had a hard time to tell Flavio Briatore that he signed a contract with McLaren. Flavio Briatore isn't only Alonso's Team boss at Renault but also Alonso's manager.

Ron Dennis talked about the contract in an interview with F1 Racing Magazine.
"Within 24 hours of him having inked his signature, I'd say roughly 25 people knew. They all understood the commitment I'd made to Fernando that his signing would have to remain confidential until he'd had the opportunity to inform Flavio. Equally, it was understood that, as soon as he'd informed Flavio, I'd inform our drivers - because, obviously, I wanted them to hear it from me. But four weeks went by, and, owing to factors outside Fernando's control, he couldn't manage to meet Flavio to tell him the news. He tried quite a few times, but a meeting proved impossible to arrange. In the end, after six weeks of trying, and being very keen to inform Flavio before the news was leaked, Fernando had to inform him by telephone."