Nearly 1800km in 3 days for Kovalainen

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The Renault F1 Team completed its work at Paul Ricard today, with Heikki Kovalainen once again topping the times. Three days of testing, and three fastest times for Heikki Kovalainen this week in Paul Ricard. He completed a ‘light’ day’s work, with only 92 laps on the board as the circuit closed, but that was enough to make more good progress with the team’s programme, and take fastest time of the day.

Once again, the young Finn’s work focused on evaluating set-up changes on the R26 to extract more performance from the car, and testing new tyres from our partner Michelin. Heikki’s 92 laps take his total for the week to 466 laps – nearly 1800 km in three days!

At the end of the day, the team’s Chief Test Engineer, Christian Silk, was happy with what had been achieved during the week. “We only ran with one car this week,” he explained. “But that allowed us to really focus our programme and get a lot done. Heikki has had a very successful test and obtained a lot of good results on set-up directions and tyres. The reliability has been generally excellent, and we have unearthed a few small problems that we can now help the race team avoid. We have made the most of our three days’ work.”

Source Renaultf1