Renault and Altran launch Altran Engineering Academy

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Altran and the Renault F1 Team have teamed up for the third edition of the Altran Engineering Academy. For the third consecutive year, Altran – in conjunction with the World Champion Renault F1 Team – is offering the opportunity to make dreams come true for a talented young engineer.

The Altran Engineering Academy is an innovative programme developed by Altran and the World Champion Renault F1 Team with a clear goal: to give young talent the opportunity to express itself, in one of the most demanding engineering environments in the world.

Students entering the competition must submit a project featuring technological innovation in one of seven disciplines: aerodynamics, power, performance engineering, vehicle dynamics, control systems, electronics, materials transducers and fuel technology.

After rigorous assessment by a panel comprising independent experts and senior members of the Renault F1 Team engineering staff, the winner wins a 6-month placement with the Renault F1 Team, including accommodation in Oxford, a company car and a comfortable salary. The winning student will also be mentored by an Altran expert within the team.

Previous winners Mark Caldwell and Isaac Prada have described their placement as a life-changing experience. Isaac explains: "The level of candidates selected for the final was incredible and winning the competition was already something that made me really proud. To be then involved in working with the team, to see my work being useful and to be asked to stay a further 2 months to complete the project I was assigned has been even better."

Mark continues: "When, after six exciting months, my placement came to an end a position became available in the Aero department. I decided to apply for the job and I am now employed by the Renault F1 Team! This is the fulfilment of my life's dream and I cannot thank Altran enough for the opportunity they have offered me."

Robin Tuluie, Head of R & D at the Renault F1 Team, pays tribute to the value of the Engineering Academy not only for the candidates, but also to the team. "Young graduates who submit their work have obviously a desire to be involved in a highly competitive environment like ours and are not afraid of the level of commitment required. Working with these young and talented people and helping them achieve their ultimate goal has proven an exciting and rewarding experience.

The previous two editions of the Altran Engineering Academy have been a resounding success and thousands of people visited the official competition website and hundreds of registrations were received from candidates in more than twenty countries. Candidates can register until 31st May 2006 on the official website of the competition:

Source Renaultf1