Q+A: JV talks music

Jacques Villeneuve spent the tail-end of last year in a Paris recording studio on a new album of songs, mostly written by himself and although the album is not yet available, people are talking about it already...
The album is set to be released later this summer and as soon as we know when you'll be the next to know.
In the meantime, here's what Jacques said about it during a recent interview with Patrick Camus for Auto Hebdo.
So, what about your first CD that everyone is talking about? People know that you are a fan of music, and something of a musician yourself..."Everyone sings in the shower, or strums a guitar. Basically this just goes a bit further, through wishing to and curiosity. I have always loved music, my grandfather was a piano tuner, by father Gilles played piano and trumpet, my sister is a good musician too… it’s in the genes! I have written music for a long time, and I knocked the dust off these last winter. I had some time too, even so, to record an album in a month is quick. I had to immerse myself completely in the work – even though it was during Christmas and New Year!"
A 100% Villeneuve production, words and music?"For half the album. For the rest I recorded songs of friends or other songs that I liked. I think that one must also be inspired by what others do."
What’s your ‘secret’ for writing a song?"Everything depends on the moment and upon the circumstances. Sometimes the lyrics come first, at other times the music. A moment in life, snowed-in perhaps… a song can demand of you several days of hard work or simply fall from the sky!"
Is Villeneuve also a musician on the album?"I only play the piano at one point, I prefer to leave that to the pro’s, like that the sound is better! To write, however, I accompany myself on acoustic guitar. The album nevertheless comprises some duets, including one with my sister, Melanie. She had written a song following the death of our father in Zolder, but without ever being able to finish it. A few years ago, she asked me to help her. We recorded it together. The other duet is with my little sister Jessica. It’s nice to involve the family for this kind of an adventure!"
Formula One driver and singer - what kind of reactions are you expecting?"No idea! I did not record this album to this end but for my own enjoyment, to hear what my songs were like played by good musicians and to put it on disc. Sometimes we are proud of a song that we consider beautiful, but will it be accepted as such by others? Friends and family will say that it is great, but for others I do not know! Perhaps a sporting colleagues will say that I am excellent musician and singer, whilst the singers will say that I am excellent driver!"
And the debut concert?"I’d love to! But my priority is the racing of course. I hate to do things badly. There will be time for everything."
Source JVworld