We have the performance to win - Fisico

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The Italian Renault F1 Team driver, Giancarlo Fisichella, is competing at one of his favourite circuits this weekend at Silverstone - and is confident that he can deliver. The Roman is third in the Drivers' Championship, so far, after Michael Schumacher and Fernando Alonso.

Giancarlo, you are third in the world championship as we arrive at the eighth race of the season. What is your verdict on the season so far?

"I think it has been a good start to the season, and I am in a much stronger position than at the same time last year. When I have a clean race, without problems, then I finish on the podium. And even when incidents like we had in Monaco mean I have to start down the field, I am driving aggressively and making up positions – I overtook five cars on the track in Monte Carlo! I am driving better than ever, and it is great to be arriving at Silverstone, one of my favourite circuits in the whole season."

Silverstone is a legendary circuit in Formula 1 – is it one you enjoy?

"Silverstone is a fantastic circuit. It is very important to do well there: we have all the people from Enstone watching us, so that makes the weekend even more important. I really enjoy racing there: the high-speed corners in the first sector especially are very exciting for the drivers. This is definitely one of the special races of the season."

Tell us about the circuit with the R26…

"It felt really good in the test a few weeks ago. The difference this year is in the corners, because we are doing maybe 15 or 20 kph more on the entry than in 2005. So there are some places on the track, like Turn 1 at Copse, where we are doing 280 kph as we turn in. That’s pretty quick!"

What do you need to be quick in Silverstone?

"It is a track where you need efficient aerodynamics, and a car that has a stable balance so you can carry speed through the quick corners. You need to feel really confident with the car to attack properly, and the R26 lets us do that. Once you have the confidence, then you can put the car on the limit, keep the momentum in the first part of the lap and do some good lap-times."

Monaco was a difficult race for you. Are you optimistic that you can have a strong race this weekend?

"I was quickest there when we tested in April so for sure, I expect to be right up at the front of the field. I think this is one of the circuits for our package. Ferrari will be the main competitors, I think, and probably very close in terms of performance. But I think we have the performance to win the race this weekend."

Source Renaultf1