Q+A Michiel Mol

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Michiel Mol is the driving force behind the takeover of MF1 Racing by Spyker Cars, and takes on the new role of Director of F1 Racing. We asked the Dutch entrepreneur for his thoughts on the deal and the future of the team.

Monza was the first race under your ownership. How did that feel?

"Of course it was fantastic. It really is a dream that has become a reality, and over the past six months we have worked so hard to get this done. By the Saturday night in Monza when we signed it, it was a such a strange feeling. I knew it would take a few days to really grasp and understand what happened!"

When did you first begin talking to Colin Kolles about a sale?

"I think Colin started discussions in Bahrain, but the first real discussions were in Malaysia."

How did things progress from there?

"Of course buying an F1 team is quite a complex business, so we had to do due diligence, check all the books, and everything. That tends to take a long time. And meanwhile we had Alex Shnaider, who at first wasn’t sure if he really wanted to sell or not. So it was a strange situation! By the time he really made up his mind and decided, we had a lot of due diligence done. Then we had the contracts, and we had a lot of lawyers involved – one in Moscow, one in London, one in Toronto – and they talked for ages! But every single time Alex and myself discussed stuff directly, it was always in a very good spirit, and in the end that’s what made the deal go through."

At what stage did Spyker become involved?

"I think Spyker got involved in around June. I knew [Spyker CEO] Victor Muller from other ventures in the past. To me having an F1 team is one thing, but we want to bring it forward. I think for Spyker Cars, which is a high-end luxury car manufacturer, to be linked to F1 you reach hundreds of millions of people. In doing so you become a global brand a lot faster than they otherwise would achieve. We have the best of both worlds."

And everyone could see the advantages of the link-up straightaway?

"Yes, definitely."

Spyker is listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Did that make the deal more complicated?

"Yes, Spyker is a public company, so that of course made things more complex. There are simply more rules and regulations. It’s a lot harder, but there are advantages too. Now you have shares in a company that is publicly listed, so you can see how it’s doing, and you can buy more shares. There are lots of possibilities."

The team is a good base to start from compared to when Midland took over. Are you really excited about what you’re taking on?

"Yes, but let’s turn that around. I’ve got a lot of respect for Alex Shnaider for buying the team in the state it was two years ago. Since then Colin predominantly, with Alex as a backer, has made a huge difference. The fundamentals are OK, very good actually, but now we can bring the team even further forward."

And Mike Gascoyne is a big part of that?

"That one thing says more than enough about our ambitions."

Are we going to see you at the last three races of the season?

"I’ll be in China, definitely. I’ll be attending lots of races. I quit every other thing I’ve been doing, apart from two board member jobs, and I’m doing no operational things, so I can really spend all my time on getting this to the next level."

So you’re in this for the long-term?

"Yes, I always do business for the long-term!"

Source Spyker Midlandf1