Malaysia will be much more representative - Albers

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Etihad Aldar Spyker Formula One Team race driver Christijan Albers will head to the second race of the FIA Formula One World Championship in Sepang, Malaysia, determined to record his first finish of the season and show the full race potential of the Spyker F8-VII.

"Our race pace in the first part of the Australia race was quick, I think we showed a reasonable speed relative to the group I was racing with, but it was a big shame we could not finish as I think we had a chance to stay with them if you look at the lap times." Christijan Albers admits. "In Malaysia I’m determined to go for it - we’ve just got to give it our best."

The 56-lap Malaysian race will, he believes, really be the start of his season. "Malaysia will be much more representative of where we are. We’ve analysed the data from Australia and hopefully we’ll be much better."

With the new aero upgrade scheduled for introduction in Malaysia, a track Christijan has raced with Formula 1 in 2005 with Minardi and in 2006 with Midland, there’s even more reason for the Dutchman to be positive. "Sepang is a very interesting track. It’s a real challenge for drivers because of the heat and humidity, and I’m looking forward to getting out there and working with the team to make the most of the performance upgrade."

Chris isn’t worried about the prospect of testing new parts for the first time under ‘race’ conditions during the Friday practice sessions. "Missing the Sepang test won’t put us at a disadvantage. Sometimes, as a team, you have to make a decision and on this occasion the decision was whether to go for the upgrade or go testing. It was the team’s decision, but ultimately it’s very easy. Of course from a racing drivers’ point of view you want to test, but I think this is in the best interests of team and at end of day that’s what we are - a team."

Source Spykerf1