I'd say if the driver in front of you spins while under a SC that's a bit lucky!!! I agree he drove very well and wise, but can hardly say that was an "awesome" drive..ISLAMATRON wrote:... but he didnt spin and trulli did... no luck there...
I'd say if the driver in front of you spins while under a SC that's a bit lucky!!! I agree he drove very well and wise, but can hardly say that was an "awesome" drive..ISLAMATRON wrote:... but he didnt spin and trulli did... no luck there...
andartop wrote:Calm down and get your facts right: officially Vettel was penalized for causing the accident, and Red Bull fined for ordering him to stay out in 3 wheels. And, since Vettel himself apologized for the accident, one can safely assume he had his part in it! It seems most people agree on 50-50 blame..ISLAMATRON wrote:And the stewards do not agree with you, they penalized him for driving on track with 2.5 wheels and causing a hazard, not for causing an accident.
Not really, but whatever... a very good drive but not awesome, I would agree on that.andartop wrote:I'd say if the driver in front of you spins while under a SC that's a bit lucky!!! I agree he drove very well and wise, but can hardly say that was an "awesome" drive..ISLAMATRON wrote:... but he didnt spin and trulli did... no luck there...
found the report that says he was penalized only for the 3-wheel drive.andartop wrote:Calm down and get your facts right: officially Vettel was penalized for causing the accident, and Red Bull fined for ordering him to stay out in 3 wheels. And, since Vettel himself apologized for the accident, one can safely assume he had his part in it! It seems most people agree on 50-50 blame..ISLAMATRON wrote:And the stewards do not agree with you, they penalized him for driving on track with 2.5 wheels and causing a hazard, not for causing an accident.
Oh? See below:ISLAMATRON wrote:Bullshit again... what kind of idiot just gives up 2nd place? How many times have we seen drivers overcook it trying to pass on the outside and end up in the kitty litter?(Kimi at that same corner last year I think?) Vettel had every right to defend his position.
And the stewards do not agree with you, they penalized him for driving on track with 2.5 wheels and causing a hazard, not for causing an accident.
F1 Technical wrote:Red Bull Racing F1 Team driver Sebastian Vettel has been given a 10-place grid penalty for the Malaysian Grand Prix. Vettel got the penalty because of his crash with Robert Kubica at Melbourne. Red Bull was also given a fine of $50,000 as they instructed Vettel to stay on track despite running on three wheels.
Well, it was really stupid. Hence the penaltymyurr wrote:I bet you prefer tag rugby to real rugby don't you? It was a racing incident between two racers.
The stewards should interfere far less, only when someone does something really stupid or deliberate.
Wow... i love it when an "eat-----and-die" attitude comes up... I just wonder if that was Lewis in Vettel's position with the same exact incident, would you even bring this up?Jersey Tom wrote:We're not talking about mid-corner here. Vettel should have lifted early and given Kubica plenty of room as he was approaching the corner, instead of committing to defending it. Simple.
Oh yeah... I forgot that multiple incident in my rant earlier.myurr wrote:And yet no one was penalised at the start of the race?
The way I see it, giving up easy guaranteed points is really stupid. Suppose it's you driving...ISLAMATRON wrote:Giving up positions is really stupid.... and not something any smart competitive driver would do.
WOAH there!...ISLAMATRON wrote:Kubica forced Vettal onto the grass. To say that Vettel is wrong for being forced onto the grass is ludicrous.
Nothing is guaranteed... and what if Button had a last lap failure a la Massa/Hungary... Vettel would have been giving up the win. You never give up anything... you fight hard and clean, but Kubica could have easily hit Vettel from behind just as he did from the side.Jersey Tom wrote:The way I see it, giving up easy guaranteed points is really stupid. Suppose it's you driving...ISLAMATRON wrote:Giving up positions is really stupid.... and not something any smart competitive driver would do.
95% chance you can walk away with a 3rd place finish.
15% chance you can walk away with a 2nd place finish.
Which is the wiser move? Over the course of a season, option 1 is what is going to give you the best chance to win one or both of the championships.
I've watched the replay several time before I made my mind up... Kubica squeezed Vettel onto the curb & dirt & grass on the entry of the cornershir0 wrote:Vettel was pushed to the grass AFTER they made contact. What "I" think the issue is, is that Kubica "forced his way into the corner" only because he was so surethat Vettel would lift and let him pass without a fight. Well he thought wrong and swerved into Vettel. They were side by side. Vettel did not hit Robert intentionally. And if anyone in a position scrap needs to be careful with risks, I'd say it's the man with something to gain who needs to be extra careful and be extra wise.
true for the most part, but curb does not give as much grip as tarmac... and there was all types or grass & leaves & dirt flying around yesterday, I'm sure there was quite a bit right on the curb.shir0 wrote:dude, he was on the red and white rumble strip (curb)...not grass.
And if Kubica had overcooked it but because Vettel had backed off he wasn't close enough to retake the place would you still be calling it a wise move? These guys are racers and should be left to race. The stewards constant meddling in this is frankly destroying the sport, doubly so with the comical lack of consistency.Jersey Tom wrote:Neither driver played it all that wisely, both certainly have some fault in it. But I still put the majority of it on SV.