Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


surprising :lol: =D>

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


3 hip hoorays !

What's great is that the conspiracy between the bigger teams didn't work out as they hoped for. Because no matter who was correct, the pressure from Ferrari, BMW, Mclaren and Renault could easily have influenced the decision at the hearing.

Now, should we ask Ferrari (Nigel) again who was arrogant and what should we do with him?

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


I personally think the matter has the right outcome. =D>

Well done for the engineers to realise there was some scope for inventiveness in the diffuser designs. This is part of what we all love about the sport, is it not?

There was no other outcome I feel, when Ross Brawn said that he'd specifically asked the teams about it in the OWG and everyone said forget it!

But now, for sure, there will be a massive amount of cash being spent on redesigning the rear of the non DDD cars. A new gearbox magnesium heart design for one thing [as mentioned by DC a few weeks ago] as well as some possible suspension redesign.

It'll be great to see how fast the Red Bull is with a DDD!!! And to see how the rest of the teams catch up!
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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


it is interesting to see if Renault will run their DDD version this week.

I am also waiting with great interest the full findings of the court.

As for the season ahead, I fear that it will be over half way trough. It depends how fast the teams can redesign their cars and verify the performance. Given the test bad, this may be the critical issue

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


Thank god for that. Sanity prevailed!

Definitely the right outcome for THIS season. I have no problem with them being banned next year - if they so choose.

As Ross pointed out they have been caught out by their own naivity and should catch up.

And further more, with all the teams ready to deploy/highly developed their own versions the money has been spent...so why not go the whole hog and use them!

Excellent decision by the FIA ICA.

No I only hope that McLaren don't get booted out of the WCC/WDC for being stupid as that too would ruin a good season.

Roll on China.
- Axle

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


axle wrote: And further more, with all the teams ready to deploy/highly developed their own versions the money has been spent...so why not go the whole hog and use them!
well, I wish was that simple. They may have tested it in the WT and CFD. This is one thingm but actually re-designing the cars, GB, etc, is another thing and this take lots time and resources.
axle wrote: No I only hope that McLaren don't get booted out of the WCC/WDC for being stupid as that too would ruin a good season.

Roll on China.
I would not put it in these words. They obviously tried to be very clever and arrogant, but got caught lying multiple times. I would expect them to be banned a few races. Depends on how much the team was involved. It is becoming more and more clear that at least MW was in the loop, and possibly everyone in the pit-wall.

Otherwise, enjoy the w grade F1 this season. Amazingly, MrM idea for 2 level F1 came to being earlier than planned :)

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


Possibly the first decision in a long time that actually is proactive towards the racing side of the business and thats what its about - thats all joe public are interested in - it's a welcome change from the soap opera theatre of recent times - lets hope it continues.
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs - there's also the negative side' - Hunter S Thompson

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


vall wrote:
axle wrote: And further more, with all the teams ready to deploy/highly developed their own versions the money has been spent...so why not go the whole hog and use them!
well, I wish was that simple. They may have tested it in the WT and CFD. This is one thingm but actually re-designing the cars, GB, etc, is another thing and this take lots time and resources.
axle wrote: No I only hope that McLaren don't get booted out of the WCC/WDC for being stupid as that too would ruin a good season.

Roll on China.
I would not put it in these words. They obviously tried to be very clever and arrogant, but got caught lying multiple times. I would expect them to be banned a few races. Depends on how much the team was involved. It is becoming more and more clear that at least MW was in the loop, and possibly everyone in the pit-wall.

Otherwise, enjoy the w grade F1 this season. Amazingly, MrM idea for 2 level F1 came to being earlier than planned :)
Whatever... :roll:
- Axle

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


Finally, a conclusion to this double deck diffuser controversy. Personally, I fail to see why this has commanded so much attention. It's really just two different interpretations of one rule that was clarified. Of course, teams on each side did their politicking, and fans supporting their respective teams made a lot of noise.
It's unfortunate that no matter which way the decision went, someone was going to spend a lot of money. The responsibility for that I place on the FIA, for deliberately writing vague rules. But this kind of stuff goes on in a very regular basis, and will continue to happen.
The process is broken. In NASCAR, if a team(s) introduced something radical or innovative, they would get an immediate ruling on the matter. No waiting weeks and months for a resolution. I approve such a process, because delays of this nature has a negative impact on the fans.
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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


DaveKillens wrote:In NASCAR, if a team(s) introduced something radical or innovative, they would get an immediate ruling on the matter. No waiting weeks and months for a resolution. I approve such a process, because delays of this nature has a negative impact on the fans.
Even more so, why the F not check ALL competing cars thoroughly BEFORE the season begins and avoid all the drama and conspiracy BS..?

I can't help but feel a bit disappointed as a Ferrari fan, but I think the rest of the season is going to be so interesting that I'll easilly overcome my disappointment!

And to all the people moaning about this decision: c'mon guys! let's just see what happens when the established Teams have to do the chasing for a change! At least this way there is a realistic chance of them actually managing to catch up!

I can't wait for the last 5 races of the season!
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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


arent the teams WITHOUT difussors basically the ones with KERS??????

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


DaveKillens wrote:Finally, a conclusion to this double deck diffuser controversy. Personally, I fail to see why this has commanded so much attention. It's really just two different interpretations of one rule that was clarified. Of course, teams on each side did their politicking, and fans supporting their respective teams made a lot of noise.
It's unfortunate that no matter which way the decision went, someone was going to spend a lot of money. The responsibility for that I place on the FIA, for deliberately writing vague rules. But this kind of stuff goes on in a very regular basis, and will continue to happen.
The process is broken. In NASCAR, if a team(s) introduced something radical or innovative, they would get an immediate ruling on the matter. No waiting weeks and months for a resolution. I approve such a process, because delays of this nature has a negative impact on the fans.

In what other sport cannot the rules enforcing body make a decision well before the races begin? That they made the right decision, esp with the revelation that Toyota developed theirs working with the FIA for approval every step of the way, is a good thing but the FIA completely mismanaged the matter. They had over eight weeks between the debut of the Toyota and the first race to settle the issue. All this "maybe its legal, maybe its not" stuff is inexcusable for a rule enforcing body. They are working hand in hand with the FOM to fracture the FOTA by causing strife and divisions so their power base is intact and there is also the issue of.... money. Follow the money. Bernie doesn't want to share more with the teams. and their solidarity is a real threat. Once the teams get it in their heads that their position is strong enough to be 100% determinative, all is over for the tyrannical duo of Max and Bernie. The teams can replace Max in the upcoming FIA election, they can stick together in negotiations on things like the superlicense fees (I want to know the real reason the FIA caved in on that one) and the teams can take a less passive role when the FIA imposes things unilaterally like the "wins only determines the WDC" goofy idea. Bernie likes Max's ultra cheap kit car budget F1 ideas because the teams will have less need for their rightfully larger slice of the revenue pie.

The whole thing is 100% political. Like I said earlier... In what other sport cannot the rules enforcing body make a decision well before the races begin?
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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


cdugas - what your saying is exactly correct - its been a soap opera drama - hopefully we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and come further ventures into the rule book/guidelines we see the same philosophy with regard to design and common sense when it come to freedom in that area. FOTA is a very different matter - the business needs it to be balanced - I dont believe MM will be replaced nor stand down - neither will BCE be standing aside anytime soon - but that being so - FOTA (given their power base) dont need to wield the hammer either - its interesting times thats for sure. :)
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs - there's also the negative side' - Hunter S Thompson

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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


cultavix wrote:arent the teams WITHOUT difussors basically the ones with KERS??????
No, the two technologies have nothing in common.
Right now, Toyota, Williams, and Brawn are running the double deck diffuser design.
For KERS, the teams that ran them in Malaysia were McLaren, Ferrari, the BMW of Heidfeld, and Renault.
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Re: Diffuser appeal rejected, confirmed to be within the rules


I think the biggest issue was that the OWG, that outlined the new regulations was composed by top technical responsibles from some of the top teams, and they designed the diffuser as they intended it to be, given their studies on the wind tunnel, in order to facilitate overtaking. It would have seemed dishonest for one of them to present a different concept in the start of the season, exploiting a loophole he was responsible for.

I'm all for clever interpretation of the regulations, but this decision smells like mainly political. It's the first time, in many years, the FIA decides against the "spirit of the rules". Compared with the mass damper ruling (the most absurd ever, in my opinion), the contrast is stark...