Christian Horner under Investigation

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


myurr wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 10:10
Avtandil wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 08:59
Super! thanks this is very much what I was interested in. Ff there doesn't seem to be a "criminal" case against him, while appalling and in some ways inexcusable behaviour, the amount of energy and time the media and some of the fans have been pouring into this essentially a private matter, comes of a tad crazy.
Just because there's no criminal case doesn't mean it's not a serious issue. Horner, as employer and manager, has a duty of care to those under his wing, both morally and legally. He, and Red Bull, have a legal responsibility to take all reasonable steps to provide a safe working environment free from harassment.

If the leaked messages are true, which they almost certainly are, then it appears Horner has breached that legal and moral duty. The victim asked him to stop his behaviour on numerous occasions but Horner persisted. He repeatedly asked her what she was wearing, including what she was wearing underneath her pyjamas, asked her for pictures, tried to video call her at all times, tried to video call her when she said she was in the shower, tried to call her so she could listen to him masturbate, told her of a time when he masturbated whilst thinking of her, tried to control who she spent time with at work because he got jealous, made a habit of calling round her hotel room to ask what she was up to, etc. The worst for me, from a legal point of view, was telling her that he'd offered her a way out from his behaviour and she replied that she didn't want to leave her job. This unfolded over a period of many months.

That's the behaviour we know about. We have no idea what he was like in person with her, whether he was forever flirting, touching, making inappropriate comments, despite being requested not to. There are a couple of hints in the texts to him being inappropriate in person but nothing definitive.

I think people tend to underestimate how devastating this type of behaviour can be. There are reports of the lady breaking down crying at a grand prix in October, and she speaks to Horner of how she's been going through a tough time in her messages. I've seen first hand on several occasions the emotional devastation this kind of behaviour can bring, with one example of a friend of a friend taking her life to get away from it. Just because it's a civil offence instead of a criminal one it doesn't mean it's not serious nor in the public interest to know about it. Horner represents a sporting team that commands support from millions of people across the world. If it's a terrible place to work (if you're a pretty young lady working around certain individuals) then people should know that - the people who aspire to work there, the people who spend millions upon millions on merchandise, the people who passionately support the team, the sponsors who associate themselves with that brand, the other teams and FIA whose own brands can be damaged by the fallout, etc.
Doesn't make any sense, most of it.

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


mendis wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 10:21
Doesn't make any sense, most of it.
In what way, what are you struggling to follow?

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


izzy wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 10:40
All this interpretation depends on literally a few particular screenshots indicating nonconsent. Otherwise it's all fun between casual lovers. If you can't explain why she used screenshots, it's just personal imagining.

And so far, as far as we know, she hasn't simply shown anyone the actual chats and fried him.

The reason this discussion gets tedious is people avoiding the points others make, trying to have a winnnnn! If all the screenshots were real it would be awful of course, and so awful she can fry him in an instant and nobody would be charging her with breaking Apple's terms and conditions.
Who is charging her with breaking Apple's terms and conditions? We don't know what she's been accused of by Red Bull, whether she's guilty or not, whether it relates to these screenshots or other evidence, whether these screenshots are all the evidence or if there was much more, etc.

If the only defence of Horner's behaviour is to believe it didn't happen, to believe these screenshots are fake, to believe that she didn't say no to his advances and has faked the entire thing, then I personally find it strange to defend the opaque nature of the investigation and lack of information being released by Red Bull. It would be well within their legal rights to put out a statement saying that they "have thoroughly investigated the accusations and believe that Horner has done nothing wrong. Purported evidence has been leaked but it has been determined to not be genuine. Christian did not say those things to any employee, and it goes without saying that sexual harassment in the workplace is fundamentally against Red Bull's values and should it ever occur it would be dealt with in the harshest possible manner."

Red Bull haven't said any of that, they've simply said that the grievance was dismissed. That says they absolve themselves as an employer and nothing more.

Joined: 03 Jul 2022, 16:12

Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


f1jcw wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:20
mendis wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:16
f1jcw wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:13

Made perfect sense to me. Especially the destruction to a persons life to the one involved.
How do you know?
You do not think this will destroy the persons live at all?
The victim in all this is forced out of a job and environment in a role she loved, while the abuser is protected.
Do you have any empathy?
Do you represent both sides or one? It's all possible that Marko gave her a hit job against Horner and she failed. An investigation against her complaint on Horner is cleared by the company. So it's clearly, a hit job she failed at. Absolutely no sympathies. Do you sympathize with a man against whom a conspiracy was made to throw him out? His wife and daughters, who are also women?
Last edited by mendis on 10 Mar 2024, 12:35, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 10 Feb 2024, 06:17

Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Events :

1. CH under internal investigation, based on employee complaint within RedBull.
2. CH cleared by KC appointed by RedBull
3. 79 Screenshots (isn't forensic vetted) of CH v/s femalePA leaked to journalists and other teams that are involved in F1
4. Jos the Boss says, CH is villain, he has to go
5. Jos and CH seen in a distant video at Bahrain GP, in animated argument.
6, At Jeddah GP, Marko says - I may be thrown out
7. Verstappen says, if Marko goes, I go too.
8. Mintzlaff comes to the GP, and does some firefighting with Marko
9. Everyone says team is important, no one is going anywhere.

I can't believe this thread has 2275 posts, based on just 9 actual events (the 'data' that is supposed to control this thread). We all know, this is just a volcano whose explosion has somehow been arrested now, for the time being, and can go off anytime soon. Volcanic eruptions are part and parcel of any organization - political, business, sporting, social, educational , of any kind ; when the big boss dies without naming a successor. There is bound to be a game of thrones.
Hats off to all here.

Joined: 10 Mar 2022, 15:12

Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


myurr wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 12:28
izzy wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 10:40
All this interpretation depends on literally a few particular screenshots indicating nonconsent. Otherwise it's all fun between casual lovers. If you can't explain why she used screenshots, it's just personal imagining.

And so far, as far as we know, she hasn't simply shown anyone the actual chats and fried him.

The reason this discussion gets tedious is people avoiding the points others make, trying to have a winnnnn! If all the screenshots were real it would be awful of course, and so awful she can fry him in an instant and nobody would be charging her with breaking Apple's terms and conditions.
Who is charging her with breaking Apple's terms and conditions? We don't know what she's been accused of by Red Bull, whether she's guilty or not, whether it relates to these screenshots or other evidence, whether these screenshots are all the evidence or if there was much more, etc.

If the only defence of Horner's behaviour is to believe it didn't happen, to believe these screenshots are fake, to believe that she didn't say no to his advances and has faked the entire thing, then I personally find it strange to defend the opaque nature of the investigation and lack of information being released by Red Bull. It would be well within their legal rights to put out a statement saying that they "have thoroughly investigated the accusations and believe that Horner has done nothing wrong. Purported evidence has been leaked but it has been determined to not be genuine. Christian did not say those things to any employee, and it goes without saying that sexual harassment in the workplace is fundamentally against Red Bull's values and should it ever occur it would be dealt with in the harshest possible manner."

Red Bull haven't said any of that, they've simply said that the grievance was dismissed. That says they absolve themselves as an employer and nothing more.

An observation here but all means if what is released is legit and there is nothing of substance is left by all means he’s a dead man walking, I guess unless you go out the Horner and his backers pay there way out path, fair enough it’s hardly uncommon for people in his position to go that route.

Going back to the Saward article, Joe seemed to come up with a timeline in when these messages occurred I don’t think there was anyone before him that was that specific was there? Joe does mention one can easily work out.

Yes plenty picked up certain events that occurred and could figure they occurred over an extended period but not down to a start and end month.Iirc it was something you picked up in his article?

So it comes across as Joe knows certain details either he’s very carefully put a time together or he’s been told something?

If obviously suggest the messages are both real and there was some form of a relationship between the two and that it wasn’t wise.

Which is why the his comments on creating fake messages via an app as curious something he’s been told or just like casual observers throwing out ideas? It’s obviously very possible but Joe never really questions is the leak is real that random followers observe.

Given too Joes history with his sister and rape; granted we’re not talking about things going that far here rather it’s harassment I’m not sure it’s a subject he takes too lightly.

The accuser in has been accused of being dishonest by reports obviously a very loose term but likely one with a purpose you release that she’s being accused of falsifying evidence particularly without process I’d imagine a lawyer/PR team would want to be very careful on what they release publicly - as would her lawyers mind you.

Taking it as there likely was something between CH and his PA , and that the leak very likely came from the investigation somewhere - RBGmbH did have the dossier before the ‘independent’ investigation so maybe a few sources for it and Saward tends to indicate as much

You lawyer would likely advise against any specific points until all processes have been followed, don’t give a lawyer any leverage one you publicly accuse someone of falsifying evidence that really can’t be taken back. Implying someone faked evidence so publicly is probably opening a lawyers field day.

By all means Joe could be guessing and working back from the dispute between RBGmbH owners over control of the team; the KC dismissed the charges therefore something and used her accusations as a gambit by the Austrian side of RB. But his article just doesn’t read as someone who is guessing and I accept he does on appearance tend to gloss over the potential seriousness if the accusations. So leaves still a lot unknown and open to speculation.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


How reliable is this source?
Mess with the Bull - you get the horns.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


chrisc90 wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 18:06

How reliable is this source?
Helmut Marko talked today with the CEO's from RB GmbH in Dubai and Yoovidhya from Thailand.
Marko often speaks with Ralf Bach so it looks like they had a good chat today. :D I hope this is true!!
Turning point in the Red Bull scandal: Horner about to be thrown out?

After much back and forth, Red Bull team boss Christian Horner could still become the loser in the internal war at Red Bull.

Horner appears to be on the verge of losing the power struggle at Red Bull.
According to well-informed sources [Marko I assume], he will be released before the next race in Australia.
If that happens, you can look forward to the formulation of the corresponding statement.
And: Then Max Verstappen would have achieved a victory that will not appear in any Formula 1 statistics. ... ern-62457/
The Power of Dreams!

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


chrisc90 wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 18:06

How reliable is this source?
F1 insider was iirc the first to report the woman had been sacked ( although later came out as she was suspended)

Reading a translation it claims the Thai owner is now backing the Austrian side of RBGmbH fearing a fallout particularly in the US market if she comes out publicly and caused boycotts. I wouldn’t rule that kinda thing out for a moment.

May explain Markos position becoming secure now

Article also said she is related to The Edge from U2 and they were looking at supporting her with a song ‘don’t be horny be Christian’ 😂

They don’t seem shy to fling a little mud their article on her being sacked mentioned the firm Horner hired to protect him against Bussiness F1 also defended Prince Andrew amongst other,

So they clearly seem to have a source in this that saw the disinflation action against the woman even if not completely accurate they did have a sniff.

In saying that they are quick to use business F1 as a source when they were the publication that bough the Susie Wolff story public so i think some have some skepticism from that story and their articles

Wait and see I guess.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


If it happens that way then in all likelihood CH got what he deserved and I don’t think there is any real sympathy for him.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Just have to wait and see.

Certainly be a shame and a little odd after RB GmbH cleared him from the grievance.
Mess with the Bull - you get the horns.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


At some point there must be any end no matter how.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


chrisc90 wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 19:11
Just have to wait and see.

Certainly be a shame and a little odd after RB GmbH cleared him from the grievance.
I would take a guess and say if it’s true the advice probably wasn’t black and white the Thai owner decided to back Horner because of it, but things have gotten too far out of control , as I did say previously re the Thais backing of Horner and how he could easily change his mind if it effects core business or he still has to run RB with the Austrian partners the F1 team is only a small part of that. Lots of things can easily change to make him change his mind, particularly $ signs.

This is maybe the only part of the article that made me small bit suspect maybe a poor translation but just feels an odd thing for an article to mention/feels like something you’d read in some gutter journalism magazine
Thirdly, and unbelievable but true: the mega rock band U2 is planning to help the woman with a song. Background: Her brother is the son-in-law of U2 cult guitarist “The Edge”. F1 insiders have information that U2 is considering a song called "Don't be horny, be Christian" to contribute to the unspeakable sex affair that is filling the pages of the Yellow Press in Britain. Translated, the title means: “Don’t be horny, be a Christian”. Even the Thais who have so far firmly supported Horner fear the mega influence of U2, who are worlds more important than the pop bitterness of the Spice Girls.
One thing remains clear: Horner is apparently on the verge of losing the power struggle at Red Bull. According to well-informed sources, he will be released before the next race in Australia. If that happens, you can look forward to the formulation of the corresponding statement. And: Then Max Verstappen would have achieved a victory that will not appear in any Formula 1 statistics. [\quote]

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


Watto wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 19:08
If it happens that way then in all likelihood CH got what he deserved and I don’t think there is any real sympathy for him.
So he deserved to get caught up in a honeypot sting set up by Helmut Marko? And lose his life's work and everything he's built for the last 20 years ?

What a load of nonsens. He has my sympathy and many others sympathy. He still young and I hope he lands on his feet. There will lots of opportunity for him. He knows why the new regs Red Bull is fast. Stroll senior will hand him the keys to the whole Aston operation.

Im also unsure what the big win is here for Red Bull haters. Marko and the Verstappens will still be there. It would have defanged Red Bull more in the short term if they lost the war.

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Re: Christian Horner under Investigation


TeamKoolGreen wrote:
Watto wrote:
10 Mar 2024, 19:08
If it happens that way then in all likelihood CH got what he deserved and I don’t think there is any real sympathy for him.
So he deserved to get caught up in a honeypot sting set up by Helmut Marko? And lose his life's work and everything he's built for the last 20 years ?
You get what you deserve no? Keeping it in his pants is too hard for the CEO of a business?

Your value scale is way off. This is beyond embarrassing for horner, it doesn’t matter how he got there. Keep. It. In. Your. Pants. Especially at work, especially with a report. Embarrassing.